Benlysta Infusions are a prescribed medication which contain Belimumab, a targeted human monoclonal antibody used as a biological therapy for Arthritis in Tijuana, Mexico. Belimumab helps by reducing the number of B-cells creating the inflammation in patients. As a result, the inflammation is reduced, and patients experience relief and improvement in their pain and stiffness.

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on Benlysta (Belimumab) Infusions
in Tijuana, Mexico.

How is Benlysta Infusions for Arthritis administered?
It’s important for patients to know, Benlysta is a long-treatment and the results will be noticeable in a six-month period after your first infusion.

Our Benlysta treatment, is administered via intravenous and the first infusion will be an hour long in our medical facilities. Your overall treatment will be 1-hour infusions with two weeks apart each one, after this period you will be given an infusion each month.

*Patients need the on-going treatment even if they don’t see improvements in the first days. Only stop if you are experiencing side-effects.

Benlysta Infusion Treatment Side-Effects

During their Benlysta Infusions, patients may experience side-effects in different stages of their treatment. It’s important for patients to contact us immediately if they start feeling any type of sickness or allergic reactions.

Depending on the type of reaction our patients are experiencing such as infections, heart problems, hypersensitivity or mental health problems; our medical team at Russald Clinic will work with you to find the correct treatment for your condition.  

The most common side-effects patients may experience are:

  • When feeling chills, burning sensation while urinating, fever, hives or sores on your body, you are starting to develop an
  • If you are experiencing dizziness, nausea, chest discomfort, cold sweats or breathing problems, you are having symptoms of heart problems.
  • The most common allergic reactions patients taking Benlysta Infusions may experience are swelling of hands or face, itching, low blood pressure, migraine or skin rash.

* The most important side effects our patients should call for immediately are Insomnia, new or worse anxiety or depression, dangerous impulses, unusual changes in your behaviors or moods, thoughts or suicide or hurting other people.

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Benefits of Benlysta Infusions Therapy in Tijuana, Mexico include:

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Our Benlysta Infusion Therapy at Russald Medical is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Patients suffering from an infection before or during your treatment.
  • Patients suffering from depression or mental health problems.
  • Patients currently taking medication (Prescription, Over the counter, Vitamins or Herbal Supplements).
  • Patients will allergies to other medication.
  • Cancer Patients or Cancer Survivor Patients.
  • Patients taking IV infusions of CYTOXAN, biologic medicines or antibodies.

During your Belimumab Infusions Therapy we recommend the following:

  • Vaccinations: If you ever need vaccinations, you should talk to your healthcare team before getting the treatment. In case you need the vaccination before your Benlysta Infusions but already have your Therapy scheduled, talk to your doctor to explore your options of safe vaccinations.
  • Surgery: If you are planning an operation which can be at the same period of time you start or are already at your Benlysta Therapy, you should notify our medical team or your healthcare provider back at home.
  • Alcohol: Controlled intake of alcohol is recommended.

At Russald Medical we recommend you present your complete Medical History and mention all previous medical treatments within 30 days prior of your appointment. This information will allow our doctors to determine if you are a candidate for our Benlysta Infusion Treatment for Arthritis.

If during your period of Benlysta Therapy, you become ill or have a checkup with your primary care giver, it’s important you remember to mention the ongoing treatment of Benlysta.

*IMPORTANT: Don’t take natural (herbal) or over the counter medication without talking to your primary care physician.

Due to the limited information about the effects of belimumab in pregnancy or in breast milk, our Benlysta Infusions are not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers. At Russald Clinic our patients are part of the decision-making process, we always encourage you to talk with our medical team and make the best decision for you, together.

In you decide to start your Benlysta Infusions and prevent pregnancy, you should start taking an effective contraception method in this period and four months after your treatment is over. If you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant, you should immediately call your medical team at Russald Clinic.